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CityStation Conferencing


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Project No: 2221

Client: Nearon Enterprises

Completed: 2023

Budget: $100,000

Size: 25,000 SF

Architect: mow

Interiors: mow

Manage: Greystar Management

Elec: Rocky Mountain Consultants

Mech: WHW Engineering

Construction: New Concepts Construction

Furniture: Interior Solutions

Art / Brand: Interior Solutions

Sandwiched between the larger-scale penthouse and lobby redesigns at CityStation, a detailed way finding and paint scheme exercise presented itself as a fun challenge for our interiors team. Although less of a gathering space at face value, we saw the hallway as an opportunity to impact every single user’s daily life, improving the flow of traffic and experience of the building in minute ways. Through the process the renovation evolved beyond aesthetics, embracing new materiality to revitalize the existing corridors across four floors. The CityStation hallway underwent a subtle transformation, shedding its former self for a brighter, more purposeful identity.

Across all design decisions, the underlying objective stayed the same: infuse vitality into the passageways. In areas where our focus turned to function, our goals were the principles of cleanliness, durability, and wayfinding. The corridors, once monotonous and winding, now breathe with a fresh vibrancy, carefully broken up for an easier navigational experience.

Lighting, one unanticipated priority, received a thoughtful upgrade, ensuring a consistent lumen output throughout the expansive space. For the flooring, practicality took center stage, with a shift from carpet to LVT for enhanced cleanliness and durability. The new flooring also serves as a subtle navigational guide, bringing cohesion to the long walkway. The elevator cores stand out along the corridor, with carefully curated carpet and tile feature walls offering variety compared to the linear hallways and serving as landmarks for tenants.

On the 4th floor, a new conference center was added as an extra amenity. What was once a traditional oversized conference table languishing in a seldom-used room metamorphosed into a cozy co-working lounge. This multifunctional space now boasts various seating areas, a printer station, and a compact conference table. Though a smaller update in the grand scheme, its impact has been noteworthy. The space has become a hub of activity, allowing residents to gather and have a space dedicated to focus.


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